Thursday, August 24, 2006


Today Pluto was officially downgraded. It is no longer a planet. While I always like Pluto, being kind of the underdog of the solar system, I understand why the change was made. Of all the planets Pluto was the one that made the least amount of sense. I mean, it had the strangest orbit, not to mention the fact that it's not even on the same orbital plain as the rest of the planets. Also, I don't feel like this is something that is new. Planets have been downgraded before. Ceres was a planet, until it was realized that it shouldn't be one. To all the people who say "I learned the Solar System with 9 planets. Why do they always have to change things?" To that I say, in the day's of Columbus, school children where taught that Earth was flat. If we held to the logic of "why change things" we would be leaving on a flat planet, which by the way wouldn't fit the new definition of a planet anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


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