Wednesday, September 26, 2007

From Imus to Industry: The Business of Stereotypes and Degradation

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protections will be holding a hearing titled "From Imus to Industry: The Business of Stereotypes and Degradation". The Congressional hearing will address lyrics in Rap and Hip Hop. Congress will look into whether or not lyrics in Rap and Hip Hop cause stereotypes, degradation, and contribute to problems that inner cities face.

While I am not a huge fan of Rap or Hip Hop, I do respect the fact that Rap and Hip Hop are forms of music. Music is a form of art, and a form of free speech. Free speech should not be censored. Congress should not be having hearings about Rap and Hip Hop. It's music, which Congress should have nothing to do with.

If Congress, or more specifically Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill), believes that it's their obligation to police Rap and Hip Hop, where does that obligation stop? Will it be up to Congress to decided that a particular blog is out of line, or that a newspaper article is to harsh on government? The reason free speech is free, is so that people feel free to criticise the government.

This is a Democratic Congress. Democrats are supposed to be the party that embraces free speech, art, and a less intrusive government. Hearings on Rap and Hip Hop are happening on the Democrats watch and not the Republicans. Am I the only one who see the irony in that?

As for Rap and Hip Hop causing problems in the inner city....WTF! You have to be kidding me. I listen to music all the time. Music has never made me want to do anything that wasn't already in my head. I'm sick and tired of people blaming everything on everyone, or everything else. It all comes down to how one was raised, and what their moral fortitude is. Many people who have grown up in the inner city have gone on to accomplish great things. Just as many people who grow up in the "better parts of town" went on to wretches of society.

One of the reasons I think I'm so upset with the hearings in Rap and Hip Hop, is that there are some many other things Congress should be dealing with right now. In case they forgot, we are in the middle of a war, which last I saw wasn't going as good as it should. Maybe Congress focused their efforts on making sure that the country could stabilize, and pull out of Iraq. I think that would be a much better use of tax payers money, and time from the Congressmen.