Thursday, November 02, 2006

John Kerry's "Dumb" Military comment

John Kerry has offended nearly every person who has or is serving in the US Armed forces. By saying that if one does not study, one will get "stuck in Iraq" John Kerry has also enraged people who normally couldn't care less about mid-term elections.

Now, I know the point that Kerry was trying to make. Going into the military is the only choice some people have. By going into the military, people who can not normally afford collage, can get a collage degree. The fact that some people go into the military out of financial needs, by no means indicates that they are somehow less educated than, let's say "a retarded Senator from Massachusetts", who I would like to point out, also served in the military (sort of proving his own point I guess)! Joining and serving in the military is admirable. I never did it. I don't want to do it, but I don't think less of anyone for doing it.

Senator Kerry has said that his comments were misunderstood. No they weren't. He said if you are uneducated you will get stuck in Iraq. There is nothing there to misconstrue. The Senator also said that it was a botched joke. I'm not going to say that I agree with the war in Iraq. What I will say is that even those who do not agree with the war, have to agree that our men and women who are serving deserve our respect and support. It must be tough fighting for a country where Senators joke, and call our military uneducated. Kerry indeed owes and apology, no matter how many times he says it was a botched joke.


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